Create New Groups

As of version 2018.5.0, ADDAutomated Digital Discovery Administrators have the ability to create groups, assign users to a group, and grant System Permissions (Self-ServiceA component of the ADD Streaming workflow, provides a simple and easy-to-use solution to upload your own data for processing and review. UploadUpload means to transmit data from a computer or other source into ADD. and/or Media ManagerA component of the ADD workflow provides a solution for efficient, secure media management. Access) to a group. These permissions are now located under System (accessed from the ADD main menu). In previous versions, the Enable Upload for Self-Service and MediaThe medium (hard drive, DVD, network share, etc.) associated with the delivery. Manager permissions were located on the Add Users page (accessed from Admin) and were assigned at the user level. Note: For existing users, the access remains the same after upgrading to 2018.5.0.

AssignedIn eCapture, a status in the Status column on the Worker Status Information tab that indicates the Worker has been assigned a task and hasn't picked it up, or, more commonly, all threads are busy. users to a group with the Self-Service Upload system permission may upload a file for processing later (not process data into review). DataComprises documents, numbers, files, emails, and any other information stored on a digital device. In eCapture, refers to the electronic files that are discovered and processed. may be processed into those Cases, for those groups to which the user has been assigned.

The Self-Service Upload and Process permission may be assigned at the case level for Processing cases. See Assigning Permissions for procedures.

If both the System permission and the case level permission are assigned, then both functions will be available.

Assigned users to a group with the Media Manager Access permission may access the Media Manager to add new deliveries, add new media, and monitor data location status.

Groups that are created under ADD System Administration will appear on the Manage Security page, accessed through Case Management. Groups may be created, and users assigned to those groups through Case Management.

These procedures assume users were already created as explained in “Creating New Users under System Administration”.

Complete the following steps to create a new group and add users:

  1. Identify needed groups and gather/identify basic information (users who will be assigned to a group and whether that group needs the system permissions of Self-Service Upload and/or Media Manager Access).
  2. Choose System from the ADD main menu.
  3. In the left pane of the System page, click Groups. (Note: The Super Admin group appears by default and cannot be deleted. This group has full Ipro ADD access including granting system/host level permissions to its users. System settings, group management, user management, and security permission assignments are restricted to members of the Super Admin group.)
  4. Click Add New Group at the top of the page.
  5. Enter a meaningful group name (minimum of two characters) in the Group Name field (the red asterisk, *, indicates required entries).
  6. By default, both System Permissions are cleared. If required, select System Permissions for the Group: Self-Service Upload and/or Media Manager Access.
  7. Select a user from the users' list and click to add the user to the group. Active1 users have a green dot by their name. Disabled/Inactive2 users have a gray dot next to their name. Note: To add all users to the group, click . Click to remove all users from the group and back into the users’ list. Select a user and click to remove that user from the group.
  8. Repeat the previous step for all additional users who should be added to the group. Note: To locate a user quickly, enter their name in the Search field.
  9. When all users are added to the group, click Save. Note: Click Save & Add Another to remain in the Add Group page to add another group and its users.